Wednesday, April 13, 2016

E-Commerce Applications Development Course Outline - University of Sargodha

This course focuses on electronic commerce applications, technologies, and tools which are used
to conduct business on the World Wide Web.
An overview of e-Commerce & Models, Planning an e-Commerce Framework, Managing
Products and Categories, Product Variations and User Uploads, Enhancing the User Experience,
The Shopping Basket, The Checkout and Order Process, Shipping and Tax, Discounts,
Vouchers, and Referrals, Checkout, Taking Payment for Orders, User Account Management,
Administration: Dashboard, Managing Products and Categories, Managing Orders, Customers,
Refunds, Voucher Codes, Shipping, Deploying, Security, and Maintenance, SEO.
1. e-Commerce: An overview of e-Commerce, Brick 'N Mortar stores vs Service-based

companies , e-Commerce Models, e-Commerce popular sites: iStockphoto, WooThemes,
eBay, Amazon, [TB: Ch.1]
2.      Planning an e-Commerce Framework: Designing a framework, Patterns, Model-View-
Controller, Registry , Singleton, Structure, Building a framework, Routing requests. [TB:
3.      Products and Categories: Product information, Category information, Structuring
Content, Versioning, Building products, categories, and content functionality, Routing
products and categories. [TB: Ch.3]
4.      Product Variations and User Uploads: Giving users choice, Giving users control,
Shopping. [TB: Ch.4]
5.      Enhancing the User Experience: The importance of user experience, Search, Providing
wish lists, Making Recommendations, Stock Checking, Customer's Feed Back,
Processing reviews/comments. [TB: Ch.5]
6.      The Shopping Basket: Creating A Basket, Basket Contents, Managing the Basket,
Cleaning the Basket. [TB: Ch.6]
7.      The Checkout and Order Process: The Process, Authentication, Payment Method, Order
Processed. [TB: Ch.7]
8.      Shipping and Tax: Shipping Methods, Shipping Costs, Shipping Rules, Tracking, Tax
Calculation. [TB: Ch.8]
9.      Discounts, Vouchers, and Referrals: Discount codes, Purchasable Voucher Codes,
Referrals. [TB: Ch.9]
10.  Checkout: Checkout process consideration, Order process review, Authentication &
Confirmation. [TB: Ch.10]
11.  Taking Payment for Orders: Taking payment, Payment System, Payment gateway,
Taking Payment Online, Taking payment offline. [TB: Ch.11]
12. User Account Features: User Account Area, Changing Details, Viewing & Managing
Orders. [TB: Ch.12]
13. Administration: Dashboard, Managing Products and Categories, Managing Orders,
Customers, Refunds, Voucher Codes, Shipping , etc. [TB: Ch.3]
14. Deploying, Security, and Maintenance, SEO. [TB: Ch.14, 15]
         PHP 5 E-commerce Development by Michael Peacock, Packt Publishing (January 20,
2010). ISBN-10: 184719964X
          Introduction to E-Commerce by Jeffrey F. Rayport, McGraw-Hill, 2nd Edition (2007).
ISBN-10: 0071232664
         E-Commerce 2012 (8th Edition) by Kenneth Laudon and Carol Guercio Traver, Prentice
Hall; 8th Edition (2011). ISBN-10: 0138018812
          The Legal Environment of Business: Text and Cases - Ethical, Regulatory, Global, and
Corporate Issues by Frank B. Cross and Roger LeRoy Miller, South-Western
College/West; 8th Edition (2011). ISBN-10: 0538453990
          e-Business and e-Commerce How to Program by Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel and
Tem R. Nieto, Prentice Hall; 1st Edition (2000). ISBN-10: 013028419X
          The Complete E-Commerce Book:Design, Build & Maintain a Successful Web-based
Business by Janice Reynolds, Cmp Books (2000). ISBN-10: 157820061

• Effortless E-Commerce with PHP and MySQL by Larry E. Ullman, New Riders; 1st
Edition (2010). ISBN-10: 0321656229

Note: This content is obtained from official documents of University of Sargodha and applied on BS Computer Science for Main Campus, Sub Campuses, and Affiliated Colleges.

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