Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Functional English(English I) Course Outline - University of Sargodha

Course Code: ENG-2411
Course Structure: Lectures: 3/ Labs: 0
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: None
In today's employment market employers are looking for people who can articulate clearly, take
and pass on messages, deal with customers effectively, read, understand and follow a wide range
of documents and write fluently and accurately, using accepted business conventions of format,
spelling, grammar and punctuation. Functional English course is developed to strengthen
students' these skills which enable them to deal with the practical problems and challenges of
life - at home, in education and at work.
Punctuation.Writing Mechanics. Vocabulary: Frequently Confused Words, Frequently Misused
Words, Phrases, Synonyms, Antonyms, Idioms, General Vocabulary. Use Of Articles and One,
A Little/ A Few, This, That, Care, Like, Love, Hate, Prefer, Wish, All, Each, Every, Both,
Neither, Either, Some, Any, No, None. Interrogatives.Kins of Nouns.Prepositions. Possessive,
Personal, Reflexive, and Relative Pronouns and Clauses. Classes of Verbs. Usage of May, Can,
Ought, Should, Must, Have To, Need for Obligation; Must, Have, Will and Should. The
Auxiliaries Dare and Used. Present, Past, Future and Perfect Tenses. The Gerund &The
Participles. Commands, Requests, Invitations, Advice, Suggestions.The Subjunctive. The
Passive Voice; Indirect Speech, Conjunctions, Purpose. Clauses: Noun Clauses; Clauses of
Reason, Result, Concession, Comparison, Time. Numerals, Dates, and Weights and
Measures.Spelling Rules.Phrasal Verbs.Irregular Verbs.
1.     Punctuation: Periods, Question Marks, Exclamation Marks, Semicolons, Colons,
Commas, Apostrophes, Quotation Marks.
2.      Writing Mechanics: Capitals, Abbreviations; Vocabulary: Frequently Confused Words,
Frequently Misused Words,
3.      Vocabulary: Phrases, Synonyms, Antonyms, Idioms, General Vocabulary
4.      Use Of Articles And One, A Little/ A Few, This, That, Care, Like, Love, Hate, Prefer,
Wish, All, Each, Every, Both, Neither, Either, Some, Any, No, None; Interrogatives: Wh-
? Words And How?
5.      Kins of Nouns; Kinds of Adjectives; Adverbs: Kinds, Form, Position and Use
6.      Prepositions; Possessive, Personal and Reflexive Pronouns; Relative Pronouns and
7.      Classes of Verbs: Ordinary Verbs, Auxiliary Verbs (Be, Have, Do); May and Can for
Permission and Possibility; Can and Be Able for Ability; Ought, Should, Must, Have
To, Need for Obligation; Must, Have, Will and Should for Deduction and Assumption;
The Auxiliaries Dare and Used
8.      The Present Tenses
9.      The Past and Perfect Tenses
10.  The Future; The Infinitive
11.  The Gerund & The Participles; Commands, Requests, Invitations, Advice, Suggestions;

The Subjunctive
12.  The Passive Voice; Indirect Speech
13.  Conjunctions, Purpose
14.  Clauses: Noun Clauses; Clauses of Reason, Result, Concession, Comparison, Time
15. Numerals, Dates, and Weights And Measures; Spelling Rules;
16. Phrasal Verbs; List Of Irregular Verbs
          A Practical English Grammar by A. J. Thomson and A. V. Martinet,4th Edition Oxford
University Press (1986).
         Basic English Usage by Michael Swan, Oxford UnivPr (Sd) (January 1986). ISBN-10:
         Functional English In Aglobal Society: Vocabulary Building and Communicative
Grammar by Nicanor L. Guintomary Ann R. Sibal Brian D. Villaverde Dept. of
Languages, Literature and Humanities College of Arts and Sciences Southern Luzon
State University (2012).
          AQA Functional English Student Book: Pass Level 2 by Mr David Stone, Heinemann;
1st Edition (28 Jun 2010). ISBN-10: 0435151401
         English Composition and Grammar: Complete Course by John E. Warriner, Harcourt
Brace Jovanovich; Complete Course Benchmark Edition (January 1988). ISBN-10:
          Companion to English: Vocabulary (Learners Companion) by George Davidson, Prim-Ed
Publishing (March 1, 2003). ISBN-10: 9814070904
         Word Power Made Easy by Norman and Lewis, Goyal Publishers (September 1, 2009).
ISBN-10: 8183071007
          1000 Most Important Words by Norman W. Schur, Ballantine Books (July 12, 1982).
ISBN-10: 0345298632

         High School English Grammar and Composition by P.C Wren, Chand & Co (July 13,
2008). ISBN-10: 812192197X

Note: This content is obtained from official documents of University of Sargodha and applied on BS Computer Science for Main Campus, Sub Campuses, and Affiliated Colleges.


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