Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Software Engineering Course Outline - University of Sargodha

Course Objectives:
To study various software development models and software development life cycles. The
concepts of project management, change control, process management, software development
and testing are introduced through hands-on team Projects.
Course Syllabus:
The Nature of Software, Nature of WebApps, The Software Process, Software Engineering
Practice. Generic Process Models.Specialized Process Models.Systems Analysis and
Design.Business Information Systems.Introduction to SDLC, SDLC Phases, System Planning,
Preliminary Investigation, SWOT Analysis.Strategic Planning.Information Systems
Projects.Requirements Engineering.Data & Process Modeling. Design within the Context of
Software Engineering. Design Models. System Architecture.Architectural Styles.User Interface
Design.Software Quality Assurance.Validation Testing, System Testing, Internal and External
View of Testing.Project Management Concepts.Project Scheduling. Risk Management.
Maintenance and Reengineering.
1.      The Nature of Software, Unique Nature of WebApps, Software Engineering, The
Software Process, Software Engineering Practice, Software Myths. [TB1: Ch. 1]
2.      Generic Process Models: Framework Activity, Task Set, Process Patterns, Process
Improvement, CMM, Prescriptive Process Models: Waterfall Model, Incremental Process
Model, Evolutionary Process Model. [TB1: Ch. 2]
3.      Specialized Process Models: Component Based Development, The Formal Methods
Models, Agile Development. [TB1: Ch. 2-3]
4.      Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design, Business Information Systems, Information System Components, Types of Information Systems, Evaluating Software,
Make or Buy Decision. [TB1: Ch. 1]
1.      Introduction to SDLC, SDLC Phases, System Planning, Preliminary Investigation,
SWOT Analysis. [TB1: Ch. 2]
2.      The Importance of Strategic Planning, Information Systems Projects, Evaluation of
Systems Requests, Preliminary Investigation, Systems Analysis, Requirements Modeling,
Fact-Finding Techniques. [TB1: Ch. 2-3]
3.      Requirements Engineering, Establishing the Groundwork, Eliciting Requirements,
Developing Use Cases, Building the Requirements Model. [TB1: Ch. 5]
4.      Requirements Modelling Strategies, Difference between Structured Analysis and Object
Oriented Analysis; Difference between FDD Diagrams & UML Diagrams. [TB2:Ch. 3]
5.      Data & Process Modelling, Diagrams: Data Flow, Context, Conventions, Detailed Level
DFD's Diagram 0, Levelling, Balancing, Logical Versus Physical Models. [TB2: Ch. 4]
6.     Design Within the Context of Software Engineering, The Design Process, Design
Concepts, Design Models: Data Design Elements. [TB1: Ch. 8]
7.      Architecture Design Elements, Interface Design Elements, Component-Level Design
Elements, Deployments Design Elements. [TB: Ch. 8]
8.      System Architecture, Architectural Styles, User Interface Design: The Golden Rules,
User Interface Analysis and Design, WebApps Interface Design. [ TB1: Ch. 9-11]
9.      Software Quality Assurance: Background Issues, Elements of Software Quality
Assurance, Software Testing Strategies, Strategic Issues, Test Strategies for Conventional
Software. [TB1: Ch.16-17]
10.  Validation Testing, System Testing, Internal and External View of Testing: White Box
Testing and Black Box Testing Techniques. [TB1: Ch. 17-18)]
11.  Introduction to Project Management, Project Scheduling: Gantt Chart, Risk Management:
Proactive versus Reactive Risk Strategies, Software Risks, Maintenance and
Reengineering: Software Maintenance, Software Reengineering. [TB1: Ch. 28-29]
         Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach by Roger S. Pressman, McGraw-Hill
Science/Engineering/Math; 7th Edition (2009). ISBN-10: 0073375977
         Systems Analysis and Design by Gary B. Shelly, Thomas J. Cashman and Harry J.
Rosenblatt, Course Technology; 7thEdition (2007). ISBN-10: 1423912225
         Software Engineering 8E by Ian Sommerville, Addison Wesley; 8th Edition (2006).
ISBN-10: 0321313798
Systems Analysis and Design by Gary B. Shelly, Thomas J. Cashman and Harry J.
Rosenblatt, Course Technology; 7thEdition (2007). ISBN-10: 1423912225

Note: This content is obtained from official documents of University of Sargodha and applied on BS Computer Science for Main Campus, Sub Campuses, and Affiliated Colleges.


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