Monday, April 18, 2016

Information Security Course outline - University of Sargodha

The course aims to enhance students' understanding about the essentials of information
securityand the algorithms for implementing security
Security Fundamentals: Terminology, Attacks, Security Goals. Authentication, Authorization,
Cipher Techniques.Cryptography.Key Management.Network Security. Security Management
and Applications: Electronic Payment. Cyber Crimes & Laws.
1.      Security Fundamentals: Introduction, Terminology, Attacks, Security Goals :
Authentication, Authorization, Cipher Techniques: Substitution and Transposition, One
Time Pad, Modular Arithmetic, GCD, Euclid's Algorithms, Chinese Remainder
Theorem, Discrete Logarithm, Fermat Theorem, Block Ciphers, Stream Ciphers. Secret
Splitting And Sharing.
2.      Cryptography: Symmetric Key Algorithms: DES, AES, BLOFISH, Attacks on DES.
Modes of Operations, Linear Cryptanalysis and Differential Cryptanalysis. Public Key
Algorithms: RSA, Key Generation and Usage, ECC. Hash Algorithms: SHA-1, MD5.
3.      Key Management: Introduction, Key Management: Generations, Distribution, Updation,
Digital Certificate, Digital Signature, PKI. Diffiee Hellman Key Exchange. One Way
Authtication, Mutual Authentication, Neeham Schroeder Protocol.
4.      Network Security: Layer Wise Security Concerns, IPSEC- Introduction, AH And ESP,
Tunnel Mode, Transport Mode, Security Associations, SSL- Introduction, Handshake
Protocol, Record Layer Protocol. IKE- Internet Key Exchange Protocol. Intrusion
Detection Systems: Introduction, Anomaly Based, Signature Based, Host Based, Network
Based Systems.
5.      Security Management And Applications: ISO 27001 Security Standard: Introduction,
Evolution of Standard, Organizational Context, Implementation, Certifications And
Benefits. Electronic Payment: Introduction, Payment Types, Smart Cards, Chip Card

Transactions And Attacks, Payment Over Internet, Mobile Payments, Electronic Cash.
Cyber Crimes & Laws: Introduction, Computer Forensics, Online Investgative Tool,
Tracing And Recovering Electronic Evidence, Internet Fraud, Identity Theft, Industrial
Espionage, Cyber Terrorism. Indian IT Laws: Introduction And Briefs of Law Clauses.
1.      Applied Cryptography- Protocols, Algorithms and Source code in C by Bruice Schneier,
Wiley; 2nd Edition (October 18, 1996). ISBN-10: 0471117099
2.      Network Security and Cryptography by Bernard Menezes, Cengage Learning, Cengage
Learning (March 30, 2010). ISBN-10: 8131513491
3.      Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice by William Stallings,
Prentice Hall; 5th Edition (January 24, 2010). ISBN-10: 0136097049
         Information Security: Principles and Practice by Mark Stamp, Wiley; 2nd Edition (May 3,
2011). ISBN-10: 0470626399
         Computer Security: Principles and Practice by William Stallings and Lawrie Brown,
Prentice Hall; 2nd Edition (November 19, 2011). ISBN-10: 0132775069
Information Security-Principles and Practices by Mark Merkow, Prentice Hall (August
29, 2005). ISBN-10: 0131547291

Note: This content is obtained from official documents of University of Sargodha and applied on BS Computer Science for Main Campus, Sub Campuses, and Affiliated Colleges.


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