Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Internet Architecture and Protocols Course Outline - University of Sargodha

This course investigates the design principals of Internet. Students will learn the structure of the
Internet and related protocols.
Terms and Concepts.Functioning of the Internet. Review of The TCP/IP Model. Network Layer
Addresses (IP Addresses). DHCP.DNS Servers& Configuration.Error Recovery
Operations.Internet Local Area Networks (LANs).IEEE Standards. (CSMA/CD)
LANs.CSMA/CD Protocol Stacks.Review of Ethernet.CSMA/CD Frames. Subnetwork Access
Protocol (SNAP). CSMA/CD.Ethernet Layers.CSMA/CD Standards.The Token Ring
Network.The Ring Configuration.FDDI.FDDI Configuration.The FDDI Layers.FDDI
Backbones.Switched LANs.Fast Ethernet.Fast Ethernet and the Layered Model.Auto-
Negotiation.Gigabit Ethernet. Internet Wide Area Networks (WANs). Message Switching and
Packet Switching. Frame Relay. Cell Relay.Comparing WAN Technologies.X.25, Frame Relay,
and ATM Virtual Circuits. Mapping IP Addresses to "Labels": Label or Tag Switching. IP and
ICMP.ICMP.Time-to-Live.Destination Unreachable.Redirect.Router Discovery. Pings. IPv6.
TCP and UDP. Round Trip Time (RTT). Nagle's Algorithm ReExamined. The Slow
Start.Congestion Window and Threshold Size. The User Datagram Protocol (UDP). The Point-
to-Point Protocol (PPP) and The Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP). Routing Protocols.
1.      Introduction. Terms and Concepts. Functioning of the Internet. Review of The TCP/IP
Model. Network Layer Addresses (IP Addresses). The IP Address Format. Special Rules
for Addresses. IP Address Space. Address Resolution (Mapping). The Address
Resolution Protocols. ARP. Proxy ARP. Reverse ARP. Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP).
DHCP. Introduction to Subnets and Subnet Addressing. Introduction to the Domain
Name System (DNS). DNS Servers. The DNS Configuration. [TB: Ch. 1]
2.      Error Recovery Operations: Introduction. Data Transfer across Links. The Basic
Operations. Relationship of the Link Layer to the OSI Model. Link Layer Primitives
(Service Definitions). [TB: Ch. 2]
3.      The Link Timers. State Variables and Sequence Numbers. Transmit and Receive

Windows. The High Level Data Link Control (HDLC). The HDLC Frame. The FCS
Check. Error. Checking. End-to-End Error Recovery by TCP. [TB: Ch. 2]
4.      Internet Local Area Networks (LANs): Introduction to LAN, Notations and Topologies.
IEEE Standards. Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) LANs.
CSMA/CD Protocol Stacks. Review of Ethernet. CSMA/CD Frames. [TB: Ch. 3]
5.      Subnetwork Access Protocol (SNAP). CSMA/CD in Action. Ethernet Layers. The
Various CSMA/CD Standards. The Token Ring Network. The Ring Configuration.
FDDI. FDDI Configuration. The FDDI Layers. FDDI Backbones. Switched LANs. Fast
Ethernet. Comparing Ethernet and Fast Ethernet. Fast Ethernet and the Layered Model.
Auto-Negotiation. Gigabit Ethernet. [TB: Ch. 3]
6.      Internet Wide Area Networks (WANs): Typical Functions of a WAN Network Layer.
WAN Interfaces. Placement of Functions. Connection-Oriented and Connectionless
Networks. Relaying Data through the WAN. [TB: Ch. 4]
7.      Review of Circuit Switching, Message Switching and Packet Switching. Frame Relay.
Cell Relay. Comparing WAN Technologies. X.25, Frame Relay, and ATM Virtual
Circuits. Mapping IP Addresses to "Labels": Label or Tag Switching. [TB: Ch. 4]
8.      IP and ICMP: Attributes of IP. Processing the Datagram. Routing Table. Secondary
Addresses in the Table. The IP Header. The IP Addresses Options Field. Subnetting.
Address Aggregation. CIDR. Variable Length Submasks (VLSMs). Address Processing
Overhead. Fragmentation. [TB: Ch. 5]
9.      ICMP. Time-to-Live. Destination Unreachable. Redirect. Router Discovery. Pings. IPv6.
Design Intent for IPv6. Hierarchical Address. Format of IPv6 Datagram. Extension
Headers. ICMP and IPv6. Transition to IPv6. [TB: Ch. 5]
10.  TCP and UDP:Protocol Placement of TCP and UDP. TCP: End-to-End Communications.
Internet Traffic Characteristics. Arrival of Traffic. Bulk and Interactive Traffic. Internet
Ports. Internet Ports. Port Operations. Sockets. TCP and Interactive Traffic. TCP and
Bulk Traffic. The TCP Header (Segment). The TCP Open. TCP Data Transfer
Operations. TCP Close. TCP Traffic Management. TCP Timer. [TB: Ch. 6]
11. Round Trip Time (RTT). Nagle's Algorithm ReExamined. The Slow Start. Congestion
Window and Threshold Size. The User Datagram Protocol (UDP). The UDP Header.
Interfaces to TCP and UDP. Socket Calls. [TB: Ch. 6]
12.  The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) and The Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP):
Introduction to PPP. PPP and Associated Protocols. Major Functions of LCP. HDLC
Formats. Key Terms. PPP Frame Format. Auto-Detect Operations. The PPP Phases. Link
Dead (physical layer not ready). Link Establishment Phase. Authentication Phase.
Network Layer Protocol Phase. Link Termination Phase. The PPP Protocol Data Unit.
[TB: Ch. 7]
13.  The LCP Packets. LCP Options. IPCP for IP Support. PPP Authentication. PAP. CHAP.
IPv6CP. L2TP. L2TP Terms and Concepts. L2TP Configuration. L2TP Tunnels. L2TP
Protocol Stack. L2TP Operations. [TB: Ch. 7]
14. Routing Protocols: Introduction. The Routing Domain. Multiple Routing Domains.
Routing and Forwarding. Protocol Stacks. Gateway. Types of Routing Protocols.
Distance Vector. Link State Metric. Design Goals. Static, Stub, and Default Routes.
Distance Vector Protocols. Link State Metric Protocols. Shortest Path First Operations.
[TB: Ch. 8]

•          Internet Architecture: An Introduction to IP Protocols by Uyless D. Black, Prentice Hall
PTR; 1stEdition (2000). ISBN-10: 0130199060
Reference Material:
•          Internet Routing Architectures by Sam Halabi, Cisco Press; 2ndEdition (2000). ISBN-10:
•          TCP/IP Protocol Suite by Behrouz A. Forouzan, McGraw-Hill
Science/Engineering/Math; 4thEdition (2009). ISBN-10: 0073376043
•         Next-Generation Internet: Architectures and Protocols, by Andrei Gurtov, Cambridge
University Press (2011). ISBN-10: 0521113687

Note: This content is obtained from official documents of University of Sargodha and applied on BS Computer Science for Main Campus, Sub Campuses, and Affiliated Colleges.

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