Friday, October 30, 2015

Modern Database Management, 11th Edition - PDF

Modern Database Management, 11th Edition

By Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Ramesh Venkataraman, Heikki Topi


Focusing on what leading database practitioners say are the most important aspects to database development, Modern Database Management presents sound pedagogy and includes topics that are critical for the practical success of database professionals.

Table of Contents

Part I. The Context of Database Management  
Chapter 1: The Database Environment and Development Process  
Part II. Database Analysis  
Chapter 2: Modeling Data in the Organization  
Chapter 3: The Enhanced E-R Model  
Part III. Database Design  
Chapter 4: Logical Database Design and the Relational Model  
Chapter 5: Physical Database Design and Performance  
Part IV. Implementation  
Chapter 6: Introduction to SQL  
Chapter 7: Advanced SQL  
Chapter 8: Database Application Development  
Chapter 9: Data Warehousing  
Part V. Advanced Database Topics  
Chapter 10: Data Quality and Integration  
Chapter 11: Data and Database Administration  
Chapter 12: Overview: Distributed Databases  
Chapter 13: Overview: Object-Oriented Data Modeling  
Chapter 14: Overview: Using Relational Databases to Provide Object Persistence  


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