Wednesday, April 13, 2016

3D Modeling & Animation Course Outline - University of Sargodha

Course Code: CS-4742
Course Structure:Lectures: 3/ Labs: 0
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: None
Course Objectives:
This course utilizes concepts and tools that professionals apply to create games and illustrations
as well as storytelling with 3d animation. This course will cover all related techniques needed to
created 3D scenes including lighting, texturing and rendering.
Course Syllabus:
Introduction to 3D Modeling & Animation, History Of Computer Graphics and Special Effects.
Polygons, Polygon Meshes, Extruding, Controlling Edges and Edges Loop, Subdividing and
Simplifying, Combining Meshes, Polygon Count, Normals, UV Coordinates.NURBS,
Advantages and Disadvantages of NURBS.Subdivision Surfaces.Deforming, Sculpting and
Special Selections, Morph Targets, Lattices and Curves, Specialized Deformers, Managing Soft
and Rigid Bodies.Managing Animation. Coloring, Shaders, Ray Tracing, Photon Mapping.
Working with Textures, Shading, UV Mapping, Paining in 3D, Changing Geometry, Seamless
Reporting Pattern, Multiple Maps. Light Effect. Virtual Camera, Faking Camera Effects,
Matching Virtual Cameras to Real One, Cameras and Image Planes, Animating the Camera,
Camera Views, Camera Movements. Environments, Rendering.Animation Tools.
Course Outline:
1.      Introduction to 3D Modeling & Animation, History Of Computer Graphics and Special
Effects. [TB: Ch. 1, 2]
2.      Polygons: From 2D To 3D, Understanding Polygon, Polygon Meshes, Extruding,
Controlling Edges and Edges Loop, Subdividing and Simplifying, Combining Meshes,
Polygon Count, Normals, UV Coordinates. [TB: Ch. 3]
3.      NURBS: From Straight to Curve, Crafting and Modifying Curves, NURBS Surface,
Advantages and Disadvantages of NURBS. Subdivision Surfaces: The Marriage of
Polygon and NURBS. [TB: Ch. 4, 5]
4.      Deforming, Sculpting and Special Selections, Morph Targets, Lattices and Curves,
Specialized Deformers, Soft Bodies, Constrains, Skeletons and Muscles, Rigid Bodies.
[TB: Ch. 6]
5.      Rigging, Parent Child, Bones and Joints, Skeletons, Creating a Skeleton Rig, Joint
Limiting, Kinematics, Skinning, Rigid Building, Smooth Binding, Muscles, Other Uses
for Joint. [TB: Ch. 7]
6.      Animation, Basic Principles, Key Framing, Animation with Graphics, Motion Capture,
Facial Animation, Automation, Fence-Post Errors, Animation Workflow. [TB: Ch. 8]
7.      Dynamics, Physics, Collision Detection, Particles, Hairs, Fluid Dynamics, Crowds and
Population, Quality. [TB: Ch. 9]
8.      Coloring, Shaders, Ray Tracing, Photon Mapping. [TB: Ch. 10]
9.      Working with Textures, Shading, UV Mapping, Paining in 3d, Changing Geometry,
Seamless Reporting Pattern, Multiple Maps. [TB: Ch. 11]
10. Light Effect, Reflection, Refraction, Caustics, Translucency, Shadows. Lighting the Way,
Light Properties, Types of Light, Objects as Light Source. [TB: Ch. 12, 13]
11. Working with Camera, Virtual Camera, Faking Camera Effects, Matching Virtual
Cameras to Real One, Cameras and Image Planes, Animating the Camera, Camera
Views, Camera Movements. [TB: Ch. 14]
12. Environments, Rendering [TB: Ch. 15, 16]
13.  Animation Tools
         3D Art Essentials: The Fundamentals of 3D Modeling, Texturing, and Animation by Ami
Chopine, Focal Press; 1st Edition (March 23, 2011). ISBN-10: 0240814711
         Blender (latest Version)
         GIMP (latest), Photoshop (any)
         3D Modeling, Animation, and Rendering: An Illustrated Lexicon, Color Edition by
Michael E. Mortenson, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (2010). ISBN-10:
         The Complete Guide to Blender Graphics: Computer Modeling and Animation by John
M. Blain, A K Peters/CRC Press; 1st Edition (2012). ISBN-10: 1466517034
         Digital Modeling by William Vaughan, New Riders; 1st Edition (2012). ISBN-10:
         Blender Game Engine: Beginner's Guide by bacone Victor kuller, Packt Publishing
(2012). ISBN-10: 1849517029

Note: This content is obtained from official documents of University of Sargodha and applied on BS Computer Science for Main Campus, Sub Campuses, and Affiliated Colleges.

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