Monday, April 18, 2016

Software Design and Architecture Course outline - University of Sargodha

Upon completion of this course, students will develop the ability to apply a wide variety of
design patterns, frameworks, and architectures in designing a wide variety of software.
Basics of Software Architecture (SA).Characteristics of SA, Importance of SA, SA Business
Cycle and Software Processes, Architectural Patterns.SA Case Study. Creating Architecture,
Quality Attributes, Business Qualities, Architecture Qualities. Achieving Qualities.Global
Analysis.Conceptual Architecture View.Module Architecture View.Execution Architecture
View.Code Architecture View.Designing & Documenting the Architecture. Analyzing
Architectures.The CBAM.Reconstructing Software Architectures.

1.      Software Architecture (SA): SA in Context, SA as a Design Plan, Abstraction, SA
Terminology, 4+1 Views Model: Coupling Between Views, Uses and Notation of Four
Views. IS2000: The Advanced Imaging Solution, Chapter 1 [TB 1:Ch. 1, Ch. 2]
2.      Characteristics of SA, Importance of SA, SA Business Cycle and Software Processes, SA
History, "Good" Architecture, Architectural Patterns, Reference Models, and Reference
Architectures, Architectural Structures and Views [TB 2: Ch.1, Ch.2]
3.      SA Case Study: A-7E Avionics System - Architecture, Business Cycle, Requirements and
Qualities [TB 2: Ch. 3]
4.      Creating Architecture: Understanding Quality Attributes, Functionality and Architecture,
Architecture and Quality Attributes, System Quality Attributes, Quality Attribute Scenarios
in Practice, Other System Quality Attributes, Business Qualities, Architecture Qualities [TB
2: Ch. 4]
5.      Achieving Qualities: Introducing Tactics, Availability Tactics, Modifiability Tactics,
Performance Tactics, Security Tactics, Testability Tactics, Usability Tactics, Relationship of
Tactics to Architectural Patterns, Architectural Patterns and Styles [TB 2: Ch. 5]
6.      Global Analysis: Overview of Global Analysis Activities, Analyze Factors, Develop
Strategies., Analyze Organizational Factors, Begin Developing Strategies, Analyze
Technological Factors, Continue Developing Strategies, Analyze Product Factors, Continue
Developing Strategies [TB 1: Ch. 3]
7.      Conceptual Architecture View: Design Activities for the Conceptual Architecture View,
Global Analysis, Central Design TasksCentral Design Tasks: Components, Connectors, and
Configuration, Final Design Task: Resource Budgeting, Traceability, Uses for the
Conceptual Architecture View [TB 1: Ch. 4]
8.      Module Architecture View: Design Activities for the Module Architecture View, Global
Analysis, Central Design Tasks: Modularization and Layering, Final Design Task: Interface
Design, Traceability, Uses for the Module Architecture View [TB 1: Ch. 5]
9.      Execution Architecture View: Design Activities for the Execution Architecture View, Global
Analysis, Central Design Tasks: Runtime Entities, Communication Paths, and Configuration,
Final Design Task: Resource Allocation, Traceability, Uses for the Execution Architecture
View [TB 1: Ch. 6]
10.  Code Architecture View: Design Activities for the Code Architecture View, Global Analysis,
Central Design Tasks, Final Design Tasks, Traceability, Uses for the Code Architecture
View [TB 1: Ch. 7]
11. Designing & Documenting the Architecture: Architecture in the Life Cycle, Designing the
Architecture, Forming Team, Creating a Skeletal System. Documenting Software
Architectures, Uses of Architectural Documentation, Views, Choosing the Relevant Views,
Documenting a View, Documentation across Views, Unified Modelling Language [TB 2: Ch.
7, Ch. 9]
12.  Analyzing Architectures: The ATAM - A Comprehensive Method for Architecture
Evaluation, Participants in the ATAM, Outputs of the ATAM, Phases of the ATAM, The
Nightingale System: A Case Study in Applying the ATAM [TB 2: Ch. 11]
13.  The CBAM: A Quantitative Approach to Architecture Design Decision Making, Decision-
Making Context, The Basis for the CBAM, Implementing the CBAM, Case Study: The
NASA ECS Project, Results of the CBAM Exercise [TB 2: Ch. 12]

          Planning and Practice of existing software design methodologies.
          Outline of requirements, the existing design & architecture practices using up to date
tools and technologies.
          Applications of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), its phases and thus
implementation of different process models.
          Efficient use of different modeling and design tools e.g. UML (for code generation), open
source code development etc.
          Writing of Software Design Specifications.
1.        Applied Software Architecture by Christine Hofmeister, Robert Nord and DilipSoni,
Addison-Wesley Professional (1999). ISBN-10: 0201325713.
2.         Software Architecture in Practice by Len Bass, Paul Clements and Rick Kazman,
Addison-Wesley Professional; 2nd Edition (April 19, 2003). ISBN-10: 0321154959
          Software Architecture in Practice by Len Bass, Paul Clements and Rick Kazman,
Addison-Wesley Professional; 3rd Edition (2012). ISBN-10: 0321815734
          Software Architecture and Design Illuminated by Kai Qian, Xiang Fu, Lixin Tao and
Chong-weiXu, Jones & Bartlett Publishers; 1st Edition (2009). ISBN-10: 076375420X
          Software Architecture: Foundations, Theory, and Practice by R. N. Taylor, N.
Medvidovic and E. M. Dashofy, Wiley; 1st Edition (2009). ISBN-10: 0470167742.

Note: This content is obtained from official documents of University of Sargodha and applied on BS Computer Science for Main Campus, Sub Campuses, and Affiliated Colleges.

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