Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Web Engineering Course Outline - University of Sargodha

The course is aimed to provide students with conceptual understanding required to develop web
applications and web services according to international standards.
An Introduction to Web Engineering.Requirements Engineering for Web Applications.Web
Applications Modeling.Web Application Architectures. Technology-away Web Application
Design. Technologies for Web Applications.Testing Web Applications.Operation and
Maintenance of Web Application.Web Project Management.Web Application Development
Process.Usability of Web Applications.Performance of Web Applications.Security for Web
Applications.The Semantic Web.
1.     An Introduction to Web Engineering: Categories of Web Applications, Characteristics
of Web Applications.
2.      Requirements Engineering for Web Applications: Fundamentals of RE, RE Specifics in
Web Engineering, Principles for RE of Web Applications, Adapting RE Methods to
Web Application Development. [TB: Ch. 2]
3.      Web Applications Modeling: Fundamentals of WAM, Modeling Specifics in Web
Engineering, Modeling Requirements, Content Modeling, Hypertext Modeling,
Presentation Modeling, Customization Modeling, Methods and Tools. [TB: Ch. 3]
4.      Web Application Architectures:Fundamentals of WAA, Specifics of WAA, Components
of a Generic AA, Layered Architecture, Data-aspect Architectures. [TB: Ch. 4]
5.      Technology-away Web Application Design: Web Design from an Evolutionary
Perspective, Presentation Design, Interaction Design, Functional Design, Outlook. [TB:
Ch. 5]
6.      Technologies for Web Applications: Fundamentals, Client/Server Communication on
the Web, Client-side Technologies, Document-specific Technologies, Server-side

Technologies. [TB: Ch. 6]
7.     Testing Web Applications: Test Web Applications: Fundamentals, Test Specifics in
Web Engineering, Test Approaches, Test Scheme, Test Methods and Techniques, Test
Automation. [TB: Ch. 7]
8.     Operation and Maintenance of Web Application: Introduction, Challenges Following the
Launch of A Web Application, Promoting a Web Application, Content Management,
Usage Analysis. [TB: Ch. 8]
9.     Web Project Management: Project Management to Web Project Management,
Challenges in WPM, Managing Web Team, Managing the Development Process. [TB:
Ch. 9]
10. Web Application Development Process: Fundamentals, Requirements for a Web
Application Development Process, Analysis of the Rational Unified Development
Process, Analysis of Extreme Programming. [TB: Ch. 10]
11. Usability of Web Applications: What is Usability, Characteristics of Web Application
Usability, Design Guidelines, Web Usability Engineering Methods, Web Usability
standards, Web Usability Engineering Trends. [TB: Ch. 11]
12. Performance of Web Applications: What is Performance, Characteristics of Web
Applications Performance, System Definition and Indicators, Characterizing the
Workload, Analytical Techniques, Representing and Interpreting Results, Performance
Optimization Methods. [TB: Ch. 12]
13. Security for Web Applications: Introduction, Aspects of Security, Encryption, Digital
Signatures and Certificates, Secure Clients/Server-Interaction, Client Security Issue,
Service Provider Security Issues. [TB: Ch. 13]
14. The Semantic Web: Fundamentals, Technological Concepts, Specifics of Semantics
Web Applications, Tools. [TB: Ch. 14]
         Web Engineering: The Discipline of Systematic Development of Web Applications by
Gerti Kappel, Birgit Pr " oll, Siegfried Reich,Werner Retschitzegger, Springer; Softcover
reprint of hardcover 1st Edition. 2008 Edition (December 10, 2010). ISBN-10:
         Web Engineering by Emilia Mendes and Nile Mosley, Springer; Softcover reprint of
hardcover 1st Edition. 2006 Edition (November 9, 2010). ISBN-10: 3642066453
         Web Engineering: A Practioner's Approach by Roger Pressman and David Lowe,
McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math; 1st Edition (January 22, 2008). ISBN-10:
         Web Application Architecture: Principles, Protocols and Practices by Leon Shklar and
Rich Rosen, Wiley; 2nd Edition (May 5, 2009). ISBN-10: 047051860X
         Web Engineering by Emilia Mendes and Nile Mosley, Springer; Softcover reprint of
hardcover 1st Ed. 2006 Edition (November 9, 2010). ISBN-10: 3642066453
         Web Engineering: Modelling and Implementing Web Applications by Gustavo Rossi,
Oscar Pastor, Daniel Schwabe, and Luis Olsina, Springer; Softcover reprint of hardcover
1st Edition. 2008 Edition (December 10, 2010). ISBN-10: 184996677X
         W3C Online Resources

Note: This content is obtained from official documents of University of Sargodha and applied on BS Computer Science for Main Campus, Sub Campuses, and Affiliated Colleges.