Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Operations Research Course Outline - University of Sargodha

This course aims to introduce students to use quantitive methods and techniques for effective
decisions-making; model formulation and applications that are used in solving business decision
Introduction to Model Building.Over view of Matrices and Vectors.Matrices and Systems of
Linear Equations.The Gauss-Jordan Method for Solving Systems of Linear Equations.Linear
Independence and Linear Dependence.The Inverse of a Matrix.Determinants. Linear
Programming: The Graphical Solution of Two-Variable Linear Programming Problems. A
Work-Scheduling Problem.A Capital Budgeting Problem. The Simplex Algorithm and Goal
Programming: How to Convert an LP to Standard Form. The Simplex Algorithm.Using the
Simplex Algorithm to Solve Minimization Problems.Solving LPs with Spreadsheets. Sensitivity
Analysis: An Applied Approach: A Graphical Introduction to Sensitivity Analysis. The
Computer and Sensitivity Analysis.Managerial Use of Shadow Prices. Sensitivity Analysis and
Duality: A Graphical Introduction to Sensitivity Analysis. Some Important Formulas.Sensitivity
Analysis.Economic Interpretation of the Dual Problem.The Dual Theorem and Its Consequences.
Shadow Prices. Duality and Sensitivity Analysis. Transportation and Transshipment Problems:
Formulating Transportation Problems. Finding Basic Feasible Solutions for Transportation
Problems.The Transportation Simplex Method.Sensitivity Analysis for Transportation Problems.
Network Models: Basic Definitions. Shortest Path Problems.Maximum Flow Problems.CPM and
PERT. Minimum Cost Network Flow Problems. Minimum Spanning Tree Problems.The
Network Simplex Method.
1.        Introduction to Model Building: An Introduction to Modeling. The Seven-Step Model-
Building Process. Over view of Matrices and Vectors. Matrices and Systems of Linear
Equations. The Gauss-Jordan Method for Solving Systems of Linear Equations. Linear
Independence and Linear Dependence. The Inverse of a Matrix. Determinants. [TB1:
Ch.1, 2]
2.         Introduction to Linear Programming: The Graphical Solution of Two-Variable Linear
Programming Problems. A Work-Scheduling Problem. A Capital Budgeting Problem.
[TB1: Ch.3]
3.         The Simplex Algorithm and Goal Programming: How to Convert an LP to Standard
Form. The Simplex Algorithm. Using the Simplex Algorithm to Solve Minimization
Problems. Solving LPs with Spreadsheets. [TB1: Ch.4]
4.         Sensitivity Analysis: An Applied Approach: A Graphical Introduction to Sensitivity
Analysis. The Computer and Sensitivity Analysis. Managerial Use of Shadow Prices.
[TB1: Ch.5]
5.         Sensitivity Analysis and Duality: A Graphical Introduction to Sensitivity Analysis.
Some Important Formulas. Sensitivity Analysis. Sensitivity Analysis When More Than
One Parameter is Changed. Duality and Sensitivity Analysis. [TB1: Ch.6]
6.         Transportation and Transshipment Problems: Formulating Transportation Problems.
Finding Basic Feasible Solutions for Transportation Problems. The Transportation
Simplex Method. Sensitivity Analysis for Transportation Problems. [TB1: Ch.7]
7.        Network Models: Basic Definitions. Shortest Path Problems. Maximum Flow Problems.
CPM and PERT. Minimum Cost Network Flow Problems. Minimum Spanning Tree
Problems. The Network Simplex Method. [TB1: Ch.8]
          Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms by Wayne L. Winston, Duxbury
Press; 4th Edition (July 25, 2003). ISBN-10: 0534380581
         Optimization in Operations Research by Ronald L. Rardin, Prentice Hall; 1 Edition
(August 15, 1997). ISBN-10: 0023984155
         Operations Research: A Model-Based Approach by H. A. Eiselt and Carl-Louis
Sandblom, Springer; 2nd Edition. (January 31, 2013). ISBN-10: 3642310532
          Operations Research: Principles and Practice A. Ravindran (Author), Don T. Phillips, and
James J. Solberg, Wiley; 2nd Edition (January 16, 1987). ISBN-10: 0471086088
Note: This content is obtained from official documents of University of Sargodha and applied on BS Computer Science for Main Campus, Sub Campuses, and Affiliated Colleges.

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