Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Principles of Philosophy Course Outline - University of Sargodha

Course Code: SS-2511
Course Structure: Lectures: 3/Labs: 0
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisites: None
The overall goal of this course is to provide students with the basic understanding required to
conduct and critique epidemiological studies.
The Nature of Philosophy. Philosophical Theories: History and Back Ground, Realism and
Idealism, Monism and Dualism, Rationalism, Empiricism, Criticism, and Empiricism. The Start
of Modern Philosophy.Perception and Reality.Knowledge, Belief and Logic.Space, Time,
Causality                                    and                                    Substance.Mind                                    &
1. The Nature of Philosophy. [TB1: 1]

2.      Philosophical Theories: History and Back Ground, Realism and Idealism, Monism and
Dualism, Rationalism, Empiricism, Criticism, and Empiricism [TB3: Ch. 12, 13, 14,15]
3.      The Start of Modern Philosophy [TB1: 2]
4.      Perception and Reality [TB1: 3]
5.      Knowledge, Belief and Logic [TB1: 4]
6.       Space, Time, Causality and Substance [TB1: 5]
7.      Mind & Body [TB2: 1]
8.      Knowledge [TB2: 2]
9.      Language [TB2: 3]
10.  Science [TB2: 4]
11. Morality [TB2: 5]
12. Politics [TB2: 6]
13. Law [TB2: 7]
14. Metaphysics [TB2: 8]
1.     An Introduction to Philosophy by Jon Nuttall, Polity; 1stEdition (July 29, 2002). ISBN-
2.      Thinking It Through: An Introduction to Contemporary Philosophy by Kwame Anthony
Appiah, Oxford University Press, USA (November 6, 2003). ISBN-10: 0195134583
3.      An Introduction To Philosophy by George Stuart Fullerton, CreateSpace Independent
Publishing Platform (July 18, 2011). ISBN-10: 1463688881
         Philosophy: An Introduction to the Art of Wondering by James L. Christian, Wadsworth
Publishing; 11thEdition (January 26, 2011). ISBN-10: 1111298084
         Pleasures of Philosophy by Durant, Touchstone; Revised Edition (December 31, 1999).
ISBN-13: 978-0671581107
         Philosophy Basics: A Jargon-Free Guide for Beginners by Doug Erlandson, Doug
Erlandson (September 15, 2011). ASIN: B005NJRTUW
Introduction to Philosophy by William James Earle, McGraw-Hill; 1st Edition (October 1,
1991). ISBN-10: 0070187835

Note: This content is obtained from official documents of University of Sargodha and applied on BS Computer Science for Main Campus, Sub Campuses, and Affiliated Colleges.

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